Saturday 27 January 2007

Quality of Life (Part 1 of many)

Recently I was standing in a supermarket line waiting to pay for a bottle of somesuch, when a bizarre situation occurs.

Behind me, two girls no more than 15, started blowing on my neck and back. At first, being a good upstanding citizen I ignored this, as they giggled and toldl each other that 'I was getting excited' (!?).

It was very pleasurable by the way and I let it continue for a while.

Part of me felt like turning round and saying 'Now look here young lady, i'm old enough to be your Father' and then I wondered if this sort of thing happens to George Clooney? (i'll ask him when I see him).

Meanwhile somewhere in the primal soup of my backbrain the mantra 'hmm pussy' gurgled away. Moralising with myself for even thinking such a thing I turned around and smiled and thanked them for their attention and just walked away, as they wolf-whistled me out of the shop.

Ah to be a creature of desire and apparently desirable, even if those doing the desiring are a prime ticket to prison, do not pass go. Girls who love boys etc.

Talking about desire, the Buddhists say that it is our desires which make us unhappy. I just can't get with that mentality, although it seems to do them a lot of good, as some of the predominantly buddhist countries i've been to, seem, in part, to have things relatively sussed (relatively speaking).

To me, life is about what you want and how are going to get it? This may seem crass to some folks reading this (hello my number one fan, my only fan..) but apply it to your life and see the immense possibility of what you can achieve just by acting upon your innate desires.

And no, I am no longer talking about being chatted up by 15 year old girls here.

True, some days you'll be up and down like a rollercoaster. It can be difficult to sustain goals and the like in the face of news, negativity, other people's bullshit etc, but if you formualte a plan (goals) and put it into action, you will win, most of the time.

So, if you are slightly older than 15 and you want to wolf-whistle, join the queue lady (All attention greatly received).

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