Tuesday 13 February 2007

Valentine's Day Joy or Hell is Other People

Ah the sound and smell of true love as they go at it like rabid lollypops.

On the eve of Valentine's Day I stand before you, my number one fan, as a now currently single man and make my pitch.

Actually large parts of this blog are about me making my pitch as a burgeoning ball of potential potential rolling its way towards you.

And whilst I go off on many tangents that are off-topic, I am definitely looking for Lurve in all the right places.

'Ah but your not conventional they say'. Well tough, unconventional people rule the world not because they think outside the well-thumbed box, but because they see no well-thumbed box whatsoever.

So on this Valentine's eve what do I wish for in my life? I'm making a special point of saying wish, as it's much more dreamy and cause state than 'want'.

Am I lonely? No. I'm really good at being just with me, but experiences are amplified massively if you share them with someone who shares at least some of your values and is on a similar wavelength.

I have been to places that are absolute paradisetropicalislands and they were gorgeous and fantastic, but, the experience is always amplified by the other person and that sharing of an excellent experience. That is something I have been looking for, a natural relationship with someone where things mostly flow.

I'm feeling very vital, healthy and ebullient, because I know that i'm getting to where I want to go, this is an intense set of emotions that I have been cultivating and just like a well-tended garden, it's working.

So ladies and genitals put a penny in the slot and 'dial-up-my-number' (Marks out of Ten if you can name that tune).

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